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 四隅に直角をもつ四角いフレームを意識せず生活できる時代があったはずだ。それは、人間が道具を使い始める以前ではないかと思う。 道具を使い、直線を操るようになり矩形と言う概念が生まれたのだろう。そのことを思うと、矩形は様々な思考の原点にも思える。




(日下部一司 2021/11/09)

english  I began to love cameras first, and then my interest transferred to photography. Initially, I had no intention of creating works with photography. However, recently I have been using a lot of photographs, and it seems that I have been going in the direction of branches and leaves.  Branches and leaves do not refer to insignificant and boring things. Rather, the contrary is true, and it contains a positive connotation where the branches and leaves lead to the main story. That is why I am so happy to have become fond of cameras. Since I started touching the camera, I have noticed something again. That is, the camera is a tool that captures an object in a square shape. The accumulation of extraordinary experiences of looking at the world through a viewfinder taught me such natural things through my body.  I don’t think I had ever had such a strong interest in rectangles themselves before. I was attempting to figure out the concept of flatness, size, color, texture, etc., for example, and to interpret such things in the given square shape.  Today, we cannot live without being involved with rectangles: not only photographs and paintings, but also computer and smartphone monitors, notebooks, books, mail, boxes, windows, walls of buildings, doors, and so on. It was so obvious that I didn’t need to pay any attention to it.  There must have been a time when we could live without being aware of a square frame with right angles at the four corners. I think that was before humans started using tools. The idea of a rectangle must have been born when we started using tools and manipulating straight lines. Thinking about this, the rectangle seems to be the origin of many thoughts. We are now reviewing the “rectangle,” a form of such a framework. The rectangle in photography and painting is a container that divides the real space and the unreal space, and it is also like a door that works on the real space from the inside of the rectangle. Recently, I have been creating works with this awareness of “inside and outside”.   The rectangle also functions as a frame. You could call it the outline of an image. It’s a minimalist medium that expresses not too much or too little information with maximum effect, and my interest is endless. If I consider a rectangle to be a frame, the concept gradually transforms in my mind and expands its domain out of the world of photography and painting. In this way, the form of expression is not limited to photography, but can be transformed into complex forms such as color surfaces, crafted readymades, and objects. (KAZUSHI KUSAKABE 2021/11/09)






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